General Advice
The information contained on this website is provided in good faith and is based on our understanding of Superannuation and Taxation law. Its content is general in nature and not specific to any personal circumstance. Superannuation and Taxation law is subject to constant change and no person should rely on the contents of this website without first obtaining advice from a qualified professional to ensure your own financial situation & needs and objectives are considered.
Optima Super can accept no liability for any decisions that you may make based on the information on this website.
Online Calculators
The calculators on this website are provided for educational purposes only and should not be used as a basis for financial decisions. If advice is required it should be sought from a qualified and licensed professional. Optima Super has endeavored to ensure that the information provided and calculations performed are complete and accurate however cannot be held liable for any loss or damage sustained by the client, or by any other person or entity, arising from or in connection with the supply or use of the online calculators.